PB Products Dutch Float 13ft 1.25lb. Fishing under your own side requires peace and of course you create that by not walking too close to the water's edge. Hence a 13ft rod, which ensures that you can keep some distance from the bank. This prevents the fish from perceiving you.
In addition, the carp is a Kantazer by nature, so hop, float under its own side and.... And then, the gorgeous 1.25lb parabolic action comes into its own. Nicely round and curved as a hoop, the Dutch Float will catch the powerful runs of even the strongest carp. A pleasure to drill like this. Description: PB Products Dutch Float.
Number of guides: 10 pcs. Our items are available for pick-up.
No additional information at this time. DNA Baits PB's Pop-Ups. GARDNER TACKLE CAMO CRASH BAG (3 SEASON). Drennan 12ft Vertex Method Feeder.